Salwa Abdel Khaliq
This is a website is still on test
and it showcases the full work of Salwaak as a communication designer, artist, meditation trainer, therapist and even the traveler
Highlights from the Media
Interviews, Reports and Articles about Salwa Abdel Khaliq
A One TV Interview
Arabic Interview about Mindfulness and Meditation on A One TV.

MandalasJo Project on Aramram TV
Our first Interview on Aramram TV for the Project that I co-founded in 2015, MandalasJo

Alaan TV Highlight For Workshops
Our Highlight for MandalasJo Mindfulness Workshops

Report on SkyNews Arabia
A report about MandalasJo Mindfulness and Meditation Workshops and how it helps for Mental Wellness

Art Report
Art that ‘makes us human’, helps one find oneself. An Article on Jordan News

Meditation and Art Report
Meditation through art to reach the ‘inner child’, a highlight about my Art and Mindfulness sessions

SBS Australia Report
A Report about MandalasJo Art, Mindfulness and Meditation Workshops

Al Rai Report
An Article about MandalasJo on Al Arai Jordanian National NewsPaper